© 1997-2024
John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: 4th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man (1st Hodgson on tie-break from Baburin, Miles, Milov, Sadler)
Venue: Cherry Orchard Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man • Dates: 7-15 October 1995 • Download PGN
Monarch IoM Tournaments: 199219931994 • 1995 • 199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007

1995 Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International

1995 Monarch Assurance
Isle of Man International
Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  Total 
1 Julian M Hodgson 2590 b18+ w5+ b2= w6= b15+ w7+ b3- w12+ b4=
2 Anthony J Miles 2600 w13+ b8+ w1= b3= w10+ b12= w22+ b4= w6=
3 Matthew Sadler 2565 b24= w29+ b23+ w2= b12= w13+ w1+ b6= w9=
4 Vadim Milov 2570 b23= w42+ b6= w18+ b5= w26+ b11+ w2= w1=
5 Alexander Baburin 2495 w37+ b1- w41+ b17+ w4= b22- w23+ b18+ w13+
6 Igor Khenkin 2555 w16+ b14+ w4= b1= w8+ b9= w12= w3= b2= 6
7 Igor Stohl 2525 w31+ b9= w21+ b13= w14+ b1- w10= b22+ w8= 6
8 James C Howell 2525 b27+ w2- b34+ w19+ b6- w18+ b16= w26+ b7= 6
9 Peter K Wells 2545 b17= w7= b29+ w27= b23+ w6= b15= w24+ b3= 6
10 Keith C Arkell 2505 b30+ w12= b11= w40+ b2- w19+ b7= w16= b24+ 6
11 Mark Hebden 2570 w25= b28+ w10= b22= w16= b14+ w4- b21+ w23+ 6
12 Bogdan Lalic 2590 w22+ b10= w25+ b24+ w3= w2= b6= b1- w16=
13 Johannes A J Van Mil 2435 b2- w26+ b43+ w7= b27+ b3- w17+ w15+ b5-
14 Bjarke Kristensen [Sahl] 2440 b19+ w6- b42+ w20+ b7- w11- b29= w32+ b26+
15 Miron N Sher 2510 w21= b41+ w17= b37+ w1- b28+ w9= b13- w22+
16 Christer Hartman 2345 b6- w33+ b36= w54+ b11= w27+ w8= b10= b12=
17 Susan K Lalic 2315 w9= b20+ b15= w5- w38= b48+ b13- w29+ b19= 5
18 Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant 2420 w1- b47+ w44+ b4- w39+ b8- w41+ w5- b36+ 5
19 Conor O'Shaughnessy 2230 w14- b51+ w39+ b8- w25+ b10- w37= b38+ w17= 5
20 Edmund C Player   b34+ w17- b35+ b14- w28- w42+ b30= b25= w37+ 5
21 Jonathan Grant 2275 b15= w49+ b7- w36- b51= w54+ b33+ w11- b30+ 5
22 Gerard Welling 2415 b12- w32+ b46+ w11= b36+ w5+ b2- w7- b15-
23 Graeme Buckley 2355 w4= b48+ w3- b47+ w9- b38+ b5- w35+ b11-
24 Thomas Engqvist 2405 w3= b36+ w28+ w12- b26- w40+ b32+ b9- w10-
25 Leon Pliester 2375 b11= w40+ b12- w32+ b19- w36+ b26- w20= b27=
26 Joseph Ryan 2210 w38= b13- w51+ b44+ w24+ b4- w25+ b8- w14-
27 Soren Bech Hansen 2295 w8- b38+ w48+ b9= w13- b16- w39+ b37= w25=
28 Jana Bellin 2210 b33+ w11- b24- w53+ b20+ w15- b34= w30- b40+
29 Daniel L Bisby 2120 w52+ b3- w9- b38- w53+ b50+ w14= b17- w43+
30 Ludo Tolhuizen 2255 w10- b39= w38= b48- w44+ b47+ w20= b28+ w21-
31 Eugene Martinovsky 2305 b7- w50+ b40- w46+ b33= w32- b36= w34= b42+
32 Oliver Rosten 2190 w39= b22- w50+ b25- w49+ b31+ w24- b14- w38+
33 John Nicholson 2065 w28- b16- w55+ b41+ w31= b37= w21- b43= b49+
34 Colin Costello 2115 w20- b55+ w8- b39- w52+ b43= w28= b31= w41+
35 David W Anderton 2215 w36- b52+ w20- b43= w47= b39= w48+ b23- w46+
36 David Gibeon 2075 b35+ w24- w16= b21+ w22- b25- w31= b47+ w18- 4
37 Richard O'Donovan 2230 b5- w45+ b49+ w15- b40= w33= b19= w27= b20- 4
38 Timothy Spanton 2060 b26= w27- b30= w29+ b17= w23- b51+ w19- b32-
39 John McLean   b32= w30= b19- w34+ b18- w35= b27- w42- w48+
40 Joseph P Conlon 2040 w46+ b25- w31+ b10- w37= b24- w43= b41= w28-
41 (Derek) George Ellison 2140 b53+ w15- b5- w33- b45+ w51+ b18- w40= b34-
42 Roger D de Coverly 2105 w54+ b4- w14- b49= w48= b20- w45= b39+ w31-
43 Neville Gill   b45= bye= w13- w35= b54= w34= b40= w33= b29-
44 Rohan Churm 2115 b49- w53+ b18- w26- b30- w45- b52= b50+ w54+
45 P Johnson   w43= b37- w47- b52= w41- b44+ b42= w46- w51+
46 Carey Wilman 2080 b40- w56+ w22- b31- w50- b52= w53+ b45+ b35-
47 Alison Coull 2115 b50= w18- b45+ w23- b35= w30- b49= w36- b52= 3
48 (Edward) Leslie Stuart 2080 w55+ w23- b27- w30+ b42= w17- b35- w49= b39- 3
49 Mark Whitehead   w44+ b21- w37- w42= b32- b53= w47= b48= w33- 3
50 Mairead M O'Siochru   w47= b31- b32- w51- b46+ w29- b54+ w44- b53= 3
51 Paul Benson   bye= w19- b26- b50+ w21= b41- w38- w54+ b45- 3
52 O O'Siochru   b29- w35- b54- w45= b34- w46= w44= b53= w47=
53 Suzanne Connolly 2030 w41- b44- w56+ b28- b29- w49= b46- w52= w50=
54 David Moskovic 2165 b42- bye= w52+ b16- w43= b21- w50- b51- b44- 2
55 S Ackerman   b48- w34- b33- w56=   ½ / 4
56 I Poyzer     b46- b53- b55=   ½ / 3

Once again sponsorship was provided by Monarch Assurance pic, the Isle of Man Tourist Board and The Cherry Orchard Hotel whose excellent accommodation and playing area combined with first-class service and food, made the hotel one of the best venues for top class chess. Most of the players stayed at the hotel. A coach tour was organised, beach football and table tennis matches which were much enjoyed by the more energetic and younger players. The tournament was a highly rated 9 round Swiss, the winner on tie break being Julian Hodgson. There were a number of overseas players including those from the Republic of South Africa, USA, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Croatia, Israel, Slovakia, Russia and Sweden. The 1996 tournament will enjoy additional sponsorship from Manx Airlines and is expected to be even more successful.

1st prize winners and 2-5th: £860 each
6th equal: £25 each
Rating 2175 to 2350: IM Christer Hartman £100
2000 to 2170: C Costello, D Bisby, J Nicholson £33.33 each
Under 2000: P Johnson £100
Veteran: Eugene Martinovsky £100
Lady WGM: K Arakhamia, WGM S Lalic £50 each
Junior: Edmund Player £100
Manx: Neville Gill £100


1st AL Charity £300
2nd= I Stenhouse, Wl Lambie, R Weeber £100 each
Grading Prize: 1 RM Furness £100
GP 2: GF Dyett, P Carey £50 each
GP 3: ML Bush, H Lockwood, DJ Twitchell £33.33 each
GP 4: D Helliwell £50
GP 5: K Rothwell £100
GP 6: GA Markus £100
GP 7: CJ Jowett £100
Consolation GPs: RD Sharman, DR Sedgwick, A Harrison £33.33 each
Veteran: JR Nicholson £100
Lady: M Vann £100
Manx: G Cross, F Maher £50 each
BCM Subscription: M Bradford


1st= A Robertson (Manx Trophy), P Cheshire (Minor Trophy) £125 each
3rd PM Bird £50
Grading Prize: 1 DE Hardcastle £50
GP 2: BD Stephenson £50
GP 3: RH Prickett £50
GP 4: S Ackerman, R Williams, J Blindell £16.67 each
GP 5: GP McMahon £50
Consolation GPs: B Keig, G Quayle £25 each
Veteran: JT Luck £50
Junior: A Ferguson £50
Manx: I Poyzer £50
BCM Subscription: A Smith

(source of additional info: 1997 BCF Yearbook)