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BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: 53rd British Championship (won by Jonathan Penrose) (all 165 games + 176 games from other sections)
Venue: Sunderland • Dates: 8-19 August 1966 • Download PGN Updated 20 February, 2025 11:55 AM

1966 British Chess Championship, Sunderland, 8-19 August 1965« »1967

1966 British Chess
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Dr. Jonathan Penrose London b24+ w22+ w3= b13+ b2+ w7+ b4= w16+ b12= w8+ b6-
2 Norman Littlewood Sheffield w5+ w7+ b6+ b3= w1- b8= w19+ w4- b15+ b14+ w12+ 8
3 Peter H Clarke Peterborough b18+ w27+ b1= w2= b12= w4= w8+ b14+ w7= b5= b13+ 8
4 Michael J Haygarth Leeds b21= w20= b26+ w12= w13+ b3= w1= b2+ w5= b7+ w8=
5 Victor W Knox Leasowe b2- w24+ b25= w23= b22= w21+ b13= w12= b4= w3= w14+
6 Philip N Wallis Sheepy Parva w29+ b13= w2- b17= b19- w20= b22= w18+ b23+ w15= w1+
7 P Stuart Milner-Barry London w28+ b2- w14+ b11+ w8= b1- b23= w13+ b3= w4- w9= 6
8 Bernard Cafferty Smethwick b23= w25= b27+ w19+ b7= w2= b3- w15= w9+ b1- b4= 6
9 John E Littlewood Skegness b22- w29+ b10- w21+ b14= w12+ b16- w20+ b8- w17+ b7= 6
10 Frank Parr Ewell w13- b28= w9+ w25= b26+ b19= w14- b11= w17= w22+ b15= 6
11 David Lees Bury b25= w21+ b12= w7- b23= w16- b26+ w10= b22- w19+ w20+ 6
12 Owen M Hindle Norwich w15= b30+ w11= b4= w3= b9- w17+ b5= w1= w13= b2-
13 Alan Peter Borwell Edinburgh b10+ w6= b23+ w1- b4- w22+ w5= b7- w19+ b12= w3-
14 Wladyslaw Tabakiernik Leicester b27- w18+ b7- b24+ w9= w25+ b10+ w3- b16+ w2- b5-
15 Peter C Griffiths Solihull b12= w23- b18= w16= w20+ b17= w29+ b8= w2- b6= w10=
16 Gerald Bonner Glasgow w17= b19- w28= b15= w30+ b11+ w9+ b1- w14- b20= w18=
17 W Arthur Winser St Leonards b16= w26= b22= w6= b25= w15= b12- w29+ b10= b9- w24+
18 Anthony J Booth Manchester w3- b14- w15= b29- w24= b28+ w30+ b6- b27+ w23+ b16=
19 Barry N Green Altrincham b26= w16+ b20= b8- w6+ w10= b2- w23= b13- b11- w30+ 5
20 Jeffrey Ansell Cheltenham w30= b4= w19= w22= b15- b6= w25+ b9- w24+ w16= b11- 5
21 Peter Coast Cheltenham w4= b11- w30= b9- w28+ b5- w24- w27= b26+ b29= w22+ 5
22 John R Cooke London w9+ b1- w17= b20= w5= b13- w6= b24= w11+ b10- b21-
23 Dr. James M Aitken Cheltenham w8= b15+ w13- b5= w11= b29= w7= b19= w6- b18- b28=
24 Peter W Hempson London w1- b5- b29= w14- b18= w27+ b21+ w22= b20- w30+ b17-
25 Mike J Conroy Burnley w11= b8= w5= b10= w17= b14- b20- w26= b30- w28= w27= 4
26 Dr. Stefan Fazekas Buckhurst Hill w19= b17= w4- b28+ w10- b30= w11- b25= w21- b27- w29+ 4
27 Mark H Horton Nottingham w14+ b3- w8- b30= w29- b24- w28= b21= w18- w26+ b25= 4
28 David J Sully Cardiff b7- w10= b16= w26- b21- w18- b27= w30= b29+ b25= w23= 4
29 Ernest A Little Sunderland b6- b9- w24= w18+ b27+ w23= b15- b17- w28- w21= b26-
30 (Paul) John Patience Southampton b20= w12- b21= w27= b16- w26= b18- b28= w25+ b24- b19-

1966 British Ladies’ Championship, Sunderland, 8-19 August 1965« »1967

1966 British Ladies' Chess
Residence Draw
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 Margaret Eileen E Clarke Peterborough 1
½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 0 1 1 ½ 1
2 Gillian A Moore Southampton 11 ½
0 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Nancy C Elder Dundee 8 0 1
1 1 1 ½ 0 1 0 1 1
4 Rowena Mary Bruce Plymouth 5 ½ ½ 0
½ 1 ½ 1 1 0 1 1 7
5 Dinah M Dobson (» Norman) Northwood 2 0 ½ 0 ½
0 ½ 1 1 1 1 1
6 Mary Henniker-Heaton London 9 0 0 0 0 1
½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 6
7 Cicely Mary Murphy Whitchurch, Salop 6 0 0 ½ ½ ½ ½
1 ½ ½ 1 1 6
8 Margaret E Lander Gillingham, Dorset 10 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
½ 1 1 ½ 5
9 Mrs E [Anneliese?] Ingram Whitchurch, Salop 4 0 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ ½
1 1 1
10 Leah Margaret Hogarth Glasgow 12 0 0 1 1 0 0 ½ 0 0
½ 1 4
11 Sarah Margaret Steedman Bothwell 3 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½
12 Miss A Enstone Cheltenham 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 ½

Pairings for the above tournament were in accordance with Table 2 on this page.

1966 Major Open

1 Bartolome Jorge Marcussi (Argentina) 8½/11; 2 Ronald Thomas 8; 3-4 Paul R Bielby and P. M. Collins 7; 5-7 Harry Lamb, Roger L Paige, Derek Maurice Wise 6½; 8-9 J. H. Gardener and R. G. Thimann 6; 10-17 W. Bainbridge, Percy B Cook, (Derek) George Ellison, Gordon R Evans, J. H. Jones, Philip J Meade, P. G. Moore, Kenneth P Neat 5½; 18-20 J. B. Goodman, V. J. R. Soanes, P. Griffiths 5; 21-22 J. M. Gorton and M. R. Whall 3½; 23 Charles Reuben Gurnhill 3; 24 Daniel L O'Byrne 2.

1966 British Junior (U-21) Championship

1-2 Brian J Denman (Hove), Alan T Ludgate (High Wycombe) 8/11; 3 Alan H Perkins 7½; 4-9 Brian R Eley, P. A. Harris, Bernard Kooiman, J. Ripp, Leslie S Tate, Louis de Veauce 7; 10-14 R. de L. Holmes, Gareth Aneurin Jones, Timothy W Pelling, J. Simpson, J. Steedman 6½; 15-17 R. G. Lee, Chris J McSheehy, Nicholas Charles Pyper 6; 18-28 Tom Bimpson, Malcolm Edwin Burn, Raymond J Gamble, John Hall, Paul S N Kendall, D. K. Lawton, William A Linton, I. McDonald, D. C. Rowe, J. P. Spender, W. P. Watson 5½; 29-37 Nigel B Ramsey 5; J. R. Dicken, J. L. Harris, Martin H Hawley, Norman A Hutchinson, R. A. John, D. Lyon, A. E. Scheps, P. A. Thomas 4½; 38-40 D. Blake, Oliver A Jackson, S. Welbourne 4; 41 D. Eccles 3½; 42-44 A. Elisdon, G. L. Porter, M. J. Walton 3.

1966 British Boys’ Under 18 Championship

1-2 Terry Baldwin, Simon Webb 9/11; 3 D. Adams 8; M. J. Bulford and Julian Kirk O’Grady 7½; M. A. Smith 7; B. Charnley, J. G. Enticknap, R. G. Gray, Martin R Myant, B. Turner, and R. D. Waugh 6½; John J Carleton, A. B. Fisher, P. McDermott, M. I. Meakin, H. Russell, J. A. Sanz, P. M. Stevenson, T. Wickens, and D. P. Willmets 6; M. Banks, Leslie S Blackstock, C. D. Carr, H. F. Fenwick, D. B. Hughes, H. T. Jones, A. J. Potter, B. J. Ranson, R. H. Watson, and Mel Young 5½; J. Baguley, D. K. Bryan, R. Clark, R. J. Holland, B. Hopley, S. G. Mason, Trefor F Thynne, and D. A. Wilson 5; R. F. Buckler, R. A. Culpin, G. J. Davies, B. Milnes, J. E. Samuelson, and E. I. Stevenson 4½; R. Hardy and M. O’Neill 2; P. Kelbie and J. Mackay 2.

1966 British Boys’ Under 16 Championship

1-2 Richard G Eales, A Howard Williams 9/11; 3 Timothy G Congdon 8; 4 Martyn J Corden 7½; 5 G. J. Brindle 7; 6-12 G. Hackett, Ronald L Johannes, P. Karmaz, Rory M R O’Kelly, Alan G Trangmar, A. F. Warren, Peter R Markland 6½; M. Dann, P. A. Hutchinson, R. W. Howley, R. C. Leese, R. J. Miles 6; R. J. P. Bloor, J. Cooksey, A. Donkin, L.A. Edwards, M. Fleury, P. Hershman, J. A. Hodgson, F. Moon, J. D. Richard, K. Stendall, B. Stuart, G. E. P. Swatridge, K. Wilson, and R. Wymer 5½; G. L. Foster, J. W. Savage, D. W. Simpson, A. Yates 5; P. W. Blundell, R. Cronch, P. Dixon, I. Harbey, and D. R. Lewis 4½; R. Brooks, S. Haseldine, G. M. Hughes 4; E. A. Elliott 3; A. Taylor 2½.

1966 British Boys’ Under 14 Championship

1-2 Robert Bellin, Robert Woodford 8½/11; 3 Richard G Record 8; 4 J. Wood 7½; 5-8 Howard J Price, Maurice J Staples, Jonathan P Stoye, I. D. Turner 7; 9-12 Phillip D Alder, Richard Bailey, A. Charlton, J. Watson 6½; 13-17 D. J. Bloor, S. Cronick, P. McKeown, J. M. Scott, and M. D. Smith 6; 18-21 M. Harkness, C. J. A. Jones, D. J. Milroy, M. Wilson 5½; 22-29 W. J. Collins, Michael Farthing, G. Henshaw, R. Perry, J. H. Reavey, C. Thompson, David C Wilson, G. Yates 5; 30 S. J. Craven 4½; 31-33 A. Gardner, B. Gatenby, Chris D F Miller 4; 34-35 W. Jackson and C. Smalley 3½; 36 J. B. Smith 1.

1966 British Girls’ Under 18 Championship (five-rounds Swiss System)

1-3 Julie Dobson (Wallasey), Rosemary McWaters (Glasgow), Marjorie Moore (Glasgow) 4/5; 4-5 R. Donnelly and K. Patterson 3; 6-7 C. Nuldoon and B. Toft 2; 8 M. Manderson 1½; 9 J. Baldwin 1; 10 G. Page ½.

Julie Dobson
Liverpool Echo - Tuesday 23 August 1966

First Class

1 John N Walker 9½/11; D. G. Streets 9; M. L. Baumber, G. A. M. Boswell, N. J. Davies, G. Parsonage, and R. Woodcock 6½; F. Eastwood, I. Eustis, and T. V. Parrott 6½; Rev. H. M. Blackett and H. J. Draisey 5; A. Archer, A. Farr, T. Fawell, A. Milner, and P. L. Vasil 4½; T. Holmes and A. D. T. Stewart 3½; A. Sedgwick 3.

Second Class

1 K. Attenborough 8/11; J. Douthwaite, A. R. Gardner, and R. Ridley 7; De le Jones and W. G. Oliver 5½; C. M. Oliver 4½; Rev. A. Schofield and A. Terrett 3½; P. Saw 2½; A. G. Togwell 1.

Special Five-day, First Week

1 A. Goldsmith 5½/6; S. Gladstone 4½; Mrs. V. Clement 2; and Miss M. Martin 0.

Special Five-day, Second Week

1 Philip C Hoad 5/5; W. D. Johnson and P. C. Wood 3½; D. Benjamin, R. J. Braunton, W. A. Dixon, A. C. M. Everingham 3; S. C. Hamilton, J. Lumsden 2½; W. E. Mason, J. G. Neil, J. K. Rodda 2; R. B. B. Bullock and F. G. Wright 1½; M. R. Allen and J. B. W. Robertson 1.

[Manchester Guardian, 20 August 1966] Women are joint chess champions — Mrs Margaret Clarke, a Peterborough schoolteacher, and Miss Gillian Moore, a Southampton civil servant, were the joint winners of the British ladies' chess championship at the British Chess Federation’s annual congress at Sunderland yesterday. They scored 8½ points each out of a possible 11. In the final round, Mrs Clarke won her game but Miss Moore was held to a draw. The British under-21 championship was jointly won by Brian Denham (Hove) and Alan Ludgate (High Wycombe) with a score of 8 points out of a possible 11.

File Updated

Date Notes
November 2017 First uploaded
15 April 2018 Minor spelling corrections to names.
17 November 2021 Added the game R.Bruce 0-1 L.Hogarth, rd 8, British Ladies' Championship. Also, created a full crosstable for the Ladies' Championship and added dates and round numbers for the games.
3 December 2022 Added six Major Open games, all played by Roger Paige: (1) ½-½ v P.Cook (rd 1); (2) 1-0 v V.Soanes (rd 5); (3) ½-½ v B.Marcussi (rd 7); (4) ½-½ v P.Bielby (rd 8); (5) 1-0 v K.Neat (rd ?); (6) 1-0 v R.Thomas (rd ?). Many thanks to Roger Paige for sending the games.
18 December 2022 Added a game: R.Eales 1-0 M.Corden (U16). Thanks to Gerard Killoran for submitting via the English Chess Forum.
8 October 2024 Added two games from the Women's Championship: (1) G Moore ½-½ M E E Clarke (rd 10); (2) D Dobson [Norman] ½-½ G Moore (rd 11 - see below for colour correction). Games from Roger Paige's book Hampshire Chess Games 1950-1970, sent by Graham Stuart. Many thanks to both Roger and Graham.
14 October 2024 Correction applied: Dinah Dobson was White against Gillian Moore in this game from the Women's Championship (originally posted showing she was Black). My thanks to Ken Norman for the information.