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Tournament: Hampshire Individual Championship • 69 games from the Open, 82 games from the Major
Venue: Lysses Hotel, Fareham • Dates: 3-5 November 2023 • Download PGNuploaded Tuesday, 11 February, 2025 10:14 AM

2023 Hampshire Individual Championship, 3-5 November, Lysses Hotel, Fareham • 2022«|»2024

2023 Hampshire Open

2023 Hampshire
Fed Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6  Total 
1 Iwan Cave WLS 2212 w21+ b9+ w5+ b16= w2= b3=
2 Tom Bird ENG 2026 w18+ b12= w14= b6+ b1= w5+
3 Finn Schell ENG 1916 w20+ b5- w24+ b13+ b12+ w1=
4 Peter Hasson ENG 2077 b17+ w6= b13= bye= w7+ b12+
5 David E Pye ENG 2141 b11+ w3+ b1- bye= w16+ b2-
6 Abhishek Pradhan FRA 1884 w26+ b4= w16= w2- b10= b19+
7 Aleksandrs Karasevics LAT 1798 b23= w13- b17+ w21+ b4- w24+
8 Richard Thorburn ENG 1871 b15= w23- b25+ w10= b9= w17+
9 David A Cordner ENG 1949 b25+ w1- b11= bye= w8= b18+
10 Colin B Knight ENG 1710 w12- bye+ b19= b8= w6= b16+
11 Martin J Clancy ENG 1809 w5- b20+ w9= bye= w23+ b13=
12 Paul Northcott ENG 1891 b10+ w2= b23+ bye= w3- w4- 3
13 Kai Sandbrink SUI 1870   b7+ w4= w3- b14+ w11= 3
14 Thomas R Anderson SCO 1894 b24= w19+ b2= bye= w13- b15= 3
15 Florence Spirling ENG 1624 w8= b16- w18= bye= b26+ w14= 3
16 Roger D W Marsh ENG 1940 bye= w15+ b6= w1= b5- w10-
17 Ayan Pradhan ENG 1741 w4- b22+ w7- b24+ w19= b8-
18 Niclas Hordnes NOR 1777 b2- w24= b15= w20= b21+ w9-
19 Matthew Deacon ENG 1893 w22+ b14- w10= bye= b17= w6-
20 Matthew Kirk GCI 1752 b3- w11- b22= b18= w25= bye+
21 Joseph A Coburn ENG 1859 b1- bye= w26+ b7- w18- b25+
22 Hugo Melling ENG 1717 b19- w17- w20= bye= b24= w26+
23 Max Walker ENG 2087 w7= b8+ w12- bye= b11-   2
24 John Moore ENG 1639 w14= b18= b3- w17- w22= b7-
25 Neil Crosswell ENG 1752 w9- b26= w8- bye= b20= w21-
26 Gillian A Moore ENG 1702 b6- w25= b21- bye= w15- b22- 1

2023 Hampshire Major

2023 Hampshire
Fed Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6  Total 
1 Edward A Blanden ENG 1755 b19+ w3+ b9= bye= w15+ w6+ 5
2 Brendan O'Gorman ENG 1873 b17= w22+ b16+ bye= w13+ b5+ 5
3 Andrew Waters ENG 1883 w28+ b1- w14+ bye= b21+ w12+
4 Tim Jones ENG 1795 b18+ w31+ b5- bye= w11+ b15+
5 Daniel Miller ENG 1714 w26+ b8+ w4+ b13= b6= w2- 4
6 David Collyer ENG 1804 w20+ b13= w11+ b9+ w5= b1- 4
7 Robert McDonald ENG 1788 w14+ b10- w26- b31+ w9+ b16+ 4
8 Richard H Edney ENG 1828 b24+ w5- b18= bye= w14+ b13+ 4
9 Igor Alexandrsov   1590 b23+ b12+ w1= w6- b7- w17+
10 Helen Archer Lock ENG 1642 b29+ w7+ b15- b12- w22= w18+
11 Freddie Sugden ENG 1751 bye= w17+ b6- w18+ b4- w21+
12 Yasser Tello ENG 1813 b25+ w9- b31+ w10+ bye= b3-
13 Erico Oliveira Ferreira BRA 1712 b27+ w6= b23+ w5= b2- w8- 3
14 Pietro Silke Balerno   1603 b7- w24+ b3- w17+ b8- b22+ 3
15 Maxime Soenen FRA 1556 w16= b30+ w10+ bye= b1- w4- 3
16 Phil B Pinto ENG 1698 b15= w25+ w2- bye= b19+ w7- 3
17 Nicholas Stout   1699 w2= b11- w30+ b14- w29+ b9-
18 Nicholas Warner ENG 1610 w4- bye+ w8= b11- w23+ b10-
19 Liam Devlin ENG 1606 w1- b21- b24+ w27+ w16- b20=
20 John Belinger ENG 1614 b6- w23- b27= b25= w31+ w19=
21 Tom Philidor ENG 1725 b31- w19+ bye= b26+ w3- b11-
22 John Torrance SCO 1677 bye= b2- w28+ bye= b10= w14-
23 David Agostinelli ENG 1727 w9- b20+ w13- bye= b18- w27+
24 Daniel Goodlad ENG 1686 w8- b14- w19- bye+ b27= b29+
25 Ian Matthew ENG 1636 w12- b16- b29- w20= w28+ bye=
26 Lewis Jackson ENG 1478 b5- w29+ b7+ w21-   2
27 Charles Charalambous GRE 1478 w13- b28= w20= b19- w24= b23-
28 Roy Goode SWE   b3- w27= b22- w30- b25- w31+
29 David J Holmes ENG 1816 w10- b26- w25+ bye= b17- w24-
30 Ashraf Syed ENG 1649 bye= w15- b17- b28+  
31 Anton Vann   1503 w21+ b4- w12- w7- b20- b28- 1

[Press release] The Hampshire Chess Association 2023 Congress was held at the Lysses Hotel in Fareham on the 3rd to the 5th November 2023 with a record 90 entries playing across three sections.

Iwan Cave (Chandlers Ford) retained the Hampshire Individual Championship and the Silver Rook Trophy on tie-break from Tom Bird (Portsmouth). Two other players also finished level on 4½ points from the six rounds.

The Open section was run as a FIDE rated event for the first time, resulting in a big increase in players competing for the first prize over recent years.

Last year, Iwan became the youngest winner of the Hampshire Individual, a tournament that has been running since 1930, and is now a two-time champion before the age of 17. Iwan now has his eye on Tony Corkett’s record of 10 Championship titles. Iwan is also now representing Wales at the Fide World Youth Chess Championship in November.

In the minor section, another junior and former Pilgrim’s School pupil, Freddie Christou-Moore finished clear first with 5 out of 6, and as the highest scoring Hampshire qualified player in the section he also won the Parsons cup.

The University of Southampton Chess Club was the largest single cohort, with a great turnout of 14 players.

The full list of prize winners is:


1st = (4½ pts) Iwan Cave (Chandlers Ford), Finn Schell (Southbourne), Peter Hasson (Farnham), Tom Bird (Portsmouth) Under-2015 Grading Prize (3½ pts) Richard Thorburn (So’ton Uni), Abhishek Pradhan (Reading), Colin Knight (Basingstoke), David Cordner (Southampton), Kai Sandbrink (Oxford University), Aleksandrs Karasevics (Southampton), Martin Clancy (Ringwood)

- The Silver Rook was won by Iwan Cave
- The Len Walters Board was won by Tom Bird


1st = (5 pts) Brendan O’Gorman (DHSS), Edward Blanden (Emsworth) 3rd = (4½ pts) Tim Jones (New Milton), Andrew Waters (Rainham Kent) Under-1750 Grading Prize (4 pts) – Daniel Miller (Horsham)

- The Peter Marshall Cup was awarded to Edward Blanden (Emsworth) as the best placed Hampshire qualified player.


1st (5 pts) Frederick Christou-Moore (Eton College) who also wins the Parsons Cup 2nd = (4½ pts) Edward Burton (So’ton Uni), Michael Eason (Chichester) Under-1450 Grading Prize (4 pts) Ben Hermanns (So’ton Uni)

The Gillian Moore Cup, which is awarded to the highest scoring Hampshire lady in the Congress, was shared by Helen Archer-Lock (So’ton Uni) in the Major and Rosamund Hale (Southampton) in the Minor with 3½ points.

The John Dunleavy Memorial Prize for the best game in any section was won by Paul Northcott for his sacrificial attack against Max Walker in the Open section of the congress. [game included in the download - also see here]

Finally, the Hampshire Chess Association would like to say a big thank you to Kevin Thurlow for his work at this year’s congress. Kevin is a well known arbiter on the UK chess circuit, and has been our arbiter for many years. This weekend he announced our event was his last ever congress as an arbiter.

Peter Eales
Vice-president Hampshire Chess Association

File Updated

Date Notes
10 February 2025 First uploaded to BritBase. My thanks to Graham Stuart for sending the games and press releases.