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Tournament: 67th British Championship (won by John Nunn) (all 220 games + 6 play-off + 13 games from Major Open)
Venue: Brighton • Dates: 4-16 August 1980 • Download PGN Updated 20 February, 2025 1:30 AM updates

1980 British Chess Championship, Brighton, 4-16 August 1979« »1981

Venue: Brighton Centre, Brighton, Sussex • sponsors Grieveson, Grant & Co

1980 British Chess
Fed Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 John D M Nunn ENG 2515g b29+ w16+ b9= w23+ b2= b5= w3= w4= b10= b13+ w6+ 8
2 William R Hartston ENG 2465m w24+ b15+ w5= b13+ w1= b3= w18= b6= w19+ b7= w9+ 8
3 David E Rumens ENG 2310 b11- w35+ b29+ w20+ b6+ w2= b1= w19- b8+ w9= w5+
4 Jonathan S Speelman ENG 2490m w30+ b25= w13- b15+ w7+ b14+ w5= b1= w6- b19+ b10+
5 Murray G Chandler NZL 2450m b35+ w20+ b2= w9= b19+ w1= b4= w10= b7= w12+ b3- 7
6 Michael J Basman ENG 2405 b26+ w33= b21+ b14= w3- w9+ b23+ w2= b4+ w10= b1- 7
7 Shaun M Taulbut ENG 2375m b34= w31= b11+ w10= b4- b25+ w14+ b13+ w5= w2= b12= 7
8 Robert Bellin ENG 2440m w38= b40+ w14- b25+ w13- b15+ w28+ b18= w3- b16+ w19+ 7
9 Graham D Lee ENG 2280 b37+ w11+ w1= b5= w14= b6- b16= w23+ w18+ b3= b2-
10 Michael J Franklin ENG 2345 w25- b36+ w24+ b7= w18= b12+ w26+ b5= w1= b6= w4-
11 Colin A McNab SCO   w3+ b9- w7- b27- b37+ w30= w25+ b14= b28= w23+ w18+
12 Maxwell L Fuller AUS 2355 w15- b17= w40+ w34+ b16= w10- b29+ w20+ b21+ b5- w7=
13 Glenn C Flear ENG 2320 b27= w34+ b4+ w2- b8+ w23= b19= w7- b15+ w1- b14= 6
14 Julian M Hodgson ENG 2315 b28+ w23= b8+ w6= b9= w4- b7- w11= b20+ b18= w13= 6
15 David H Cummings ENG 2280 b12+ w2- b31= w4- b34+ w8- b22+ w16+ w13- b24= w26+ 6
16 Victor W Knox ENG 2335 w32+ b1- w27+ b18= w12= b28= w9= b15- b31+ w8- b23+ 6
17 John W Branford ENG   b23- w12= b34- w22- b40+ w35+ b30= w31- w39+ b33+ b28+ 6
18 Craig W Pritchett SCO 2390m b31= w19+ b33= w16= b10= w21+ b2= w8= b9- w14= b11-
19 Mark L Hebden ENG 2290 w39+ b18- b37+ w33+ w5- b24+ w13= b3+ b2- w4- b8-
20 Brian J Denman SCO   w36+ b5- w39+ b3- w24- b27+ w33+ b12- w14- w31+ b21=
21 Peter G Large ENG 2310 w40= b38+ w6- w31= b33+ b18- w24= b26+ w12- b27= w20=
22 Simon J B Knott ENG 2220 b33- w37- b35= b17+ w38+ b26- w15- b36+ w27= w30= b32+
23 John G Cooper WLS 2335 w17+ b14= w25+ b1- w27+ b13= w6- b9- w24+ b11- w16- 5
24 Malcolm Pein ENG 2240 b2- w26+ b10- w29+ b20+ w19- b21= w28= b23- w15= b30= 5
25 Gary Kenworthy ENG   b10+ w4= b23- w8- b31+ w7- b11- w34= w32= b29= w33+ 5
26 Edward Davis     w6- b24- w32= b36+ b35+ w22+ b10- w21- b29+ w28= b15- 5
27 Peter Hugh Clarke ENG 2355 w13= b30= b16- w11+ b23- w20- b34= w35+ b22= w21= b31= 5
28 Daniel King ENG 2330 w14- b39- w36+ w37+ b30+ w16= b8- b24= w11= b26= w17- 5
29 Ian R Watson ENG 2210 w1- b32+ w3- b24- w39+ b38+ w12- b33= w26- w25= b36+ 5
30 Bernard Cafferty ENG 2305 b4- w27= w38+ b39= w28- b11= w17= b32= w33= b22= w24= 5
31 Richard Britton ENG 2330 w18= b7= w15= b21= w25- b33- w39+ b17+ w16- b20- w27=
32 James Burnett ENG   b16- w29- b26= b38- w36- w40+ b37+ w30= b25= w34+ w22-
33 Kenneth P Neat ENG 2315 w22+ b6= w18= b19- w21- w31+ b20- w29= b30= w17- b25- 4
34 John C Henshaw ENG 2215 w7= b13- w17+ b12- w15- b39= w27= b25= w38= b32- w40= 4
35 Moss McCarthy WLS   w5- b3- w22= b40+ w26- b17- w38+ b27- w36= b37- b39+ 4
36 Gary W Lane ENG   b20- w10- b28- w26- b32+ w37= b40+ w22- b35= b38+ w29- 4
37 Philip Adams ENG   w9- b22+ w19- b28- w11- b36= w32- b39- w40= w35+ b38=
38 Chris W Baker ENG 2260 b8= w21- b30- w32+ b22- w29- b35- w40+ b34= w36- w37=
39 Thomas L Milligan SCO   b19- w28+ b20- w30= b29- w34= b31- w37+ b17- b40- w35- 3
40 David A Houston SCO   b21= w8- b12- w35- w17- b32- w36- b38- b37= w39+ b34=

1980 British Championship Play-Off - RAC, Pall Mall, London - 13-17 February 1981

1980 British Championship Play-Off Nat'y Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6  Total 
1 John D M Nunn ENG 2575g ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½
2 William Roland Hartston ENG 2450m ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½

[BCM, September 1980, p465] "BCF CONGRESS BRIGHTON AUGUST 4-16 - by P. C. Griffiths - The British Chess Federation Congress, sponsored for the third year running by the well-known firm of stock-brokers, Grieveson, Grant & Co. , was held this time at the new Brighton Centre. Brighton is a popular venue for the congress, having staged it in 1972 and 1977, but the building which was made available this year was a big improvement; in fact I cannot remember having seen more suitable accommodation. One large main hall was easily sufficient to take all the players and conditions were excellent. In addition there were analysis rooms, offices, a restaurant, a bar and a bookstall all within the same complex.

"The total number of entries was around 480, a slight drop on last year’s Chester congress, though that was probably a record. The British Championship itself included one Grandmaster and seven International Masters among its forty competitors and the play was interesting enough, though at times it seemed a little subdued, perhaps inevitably when compared with the excitement of last year. The result was a tie between the favourite John Nunn and Bill Hartston, and these two will play a match later in the year to decide the title. Both played solidly without losing a game or even getting into any real difficulties; Hartston’s high-class endgame technique was much in evidence, while Nunn won several games with his more vigorous attacking style.

"Third and fourth places were shared between the 1978 Champion Jonathan Speelman and David Rumens. Speelman was recovering well from an indifferent start and beginning to look like a strong contender for the title, when he lost a game by reacting wrongly to one of Basman’s peculiar openings and was thus knocked out of the race for first place. As for Rumens, he is always an entertaining player to watch, whether he is winning or losing, and here he had one of his best results ever, his last round game against the otherwise undefeated Chandler being specially brilliant.

"Of the four players who shared the remaining prizes, the two young IMs Shaun Taulbut and Murray Chandler both returned sound performances, while last year’s Champion Robert Bellin had a relatively poor start, being in the middle reaches of the tournament for much of the time. However, he took his chances when they came and a strong finish left him with a respectable seven points. Basman’s play was highly original, as always; his willingness to try all kinds of new openings (as witness his extraordinary 1 e4 g5 2 d4 h6 defence, played not against weaker opponents, but when facing Nunn and Speelman!) undoubtedly adds to the interest of a tournament. The problem, of course, is that the results of such a style are bound to be unpredictable and his adoption of this opening in the critical last round was fatal to his hopes of first place. "

[BCM, April 1981, p129-130] "The [1980] British Championship Play-off Match by W. R. Hartston [13-17 February 1981]

The RAC Club in Pall Mall was the venue for the long-awaited play-off match between John Nunn and William Hartston. The conditions of the match specified six games, with John Nunn taking the title if the final score was level, by virtue of his superior tie-split score from the Brighton Championship (Tie split was the sum of opponents’ scores, omitting highest and lowest). Both players had agreed to play all six games, even if the match was decided sooner.

"The match was a great success with all six games exciting struggles much enjoyed by the spectators who turned up to be entertained by Michael Stean’s commentaries. The sponsors, Grieveson Grant, deserve our thanks for adding to their sponsorship to enable this match to take place under such fine conditions. "

Results of Other Sections [BCM, October 1980, pps 521-524; FIDE Report via Jeremy Gaige Archive]

1980 British Ladies Chess Championship, Brighton (11 round swiss) • 1979« »1981

1980 British Ladies Championship Fed Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BYE  Total 
1 Sheila Jackson ENG 2165
½ 1 1 1 1 1   1 1   1   0 1    
2 Margaret Eileen Elizabeth (Peggy) Clarke ENG 1970 ½
1 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 1     1       8
3 Jane Garwell (later Richmond) WLS 2050 0 0
1 0   1 1 1 1 1   1 ½      
4 Wanda Pritchard (later Dakin) ENG 1925 0 0 0
0 1 1 1       1 1 1 ½    
5 Dinah Margaret Wright (née Dobson) ENG 2030 0 ½ 1 1
½ 1 ½ ½ ½ ½     ½      
6 Maria Eagle ENG   0 ½   0 ½
0 1       1 1 0   1 1/bye 6
7 Anita Rakshit ENG   0 0 0 0 0 1
  1 1       1 ½   1/bye
8 Jean P M Rogers (née Craker) ENG 1840   ½ 0 0 ½ 0  
    1 0 1 ½ 1   1/bye
9 Suzzane J Wood ENG 1950 0 ½ 0   ½   0  
½ 0 1 1   1   1/bye
10 Rowena Mary Bruce (née Dew) ENG 1990wm 0 ½ 0   ½   0   ½
0 ½ ½   1 1  
11 Nancy Conchar Elder SCO 1835   0 0   ½     0 1 1
0 0 0 1   1/bye
12 Muriel E Leask SCO   0     0   0   1 0 ½ 1
0   1 0 1/bye
13 Christine J Nicholson (later Taulbut) ENG       0 0   0   0 0 ½ 1 1
1 0   1/bye
14 (Patricia) Anne Sunnucks (later Mothersill) ENG 2055wm 1 0 ½ 0 ½ 1 0 ½     1   0
15 Angela Eagle ENG   0     ½     ½ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
  1/bye 4
16 Helen C Scott (later Milligan) withdrew ill SCO 1840           0       0   1      
  1 / 3

1980 BCF Major Open Tournament — (11-Rd Swiss): 1 John Hall 8½; 2-3 Oliver A Jackson, Richard McMichael 8; 4-7 (Denis) Michael Denison, Prof. Julian T Farrand, Geoffrey W Lawton, Maurice J Staples 7; 8-13 Keith R Barnes, Neil F Dickenson, Keith L Escott, Dr. Ronald L Johannes, Edward G Lea, Matthew C Read 6½; 14-18 Dr. Thomas Bimpson, M. P. Carey, Thomas M Clarke, Michael J Haygarth, Rory M R O’Kelly 6; 19-26 R Alan Barton, John D Burke, Michael A Cook, S. P. Goodman, John C Hawksworth, David Robertson, P. Robinson, David R Sedgwick 5½; 27-30 Percy B Cook, Ian G Kelly, Klaus Nickl, Douglas G A Shallcross 5; 31-35 Dr. P. Dean, Frank Parr, Andy K Reeve, Derek Maurice Wise, P. W. Winter 4½; 36-37 John D Blore, Canon (Arthur) Eric Smith 4; 38-39 J. H. Hasselt, Leon M Wooldridge 3½; 40 F Brian Ings 3; 41-42 Arthur Hall, Michael F Redmond 2½.

1980 British U-21 Championship — (11-Rd Swiss): (1) Andrew P Lewis 10/11; (2) Erik O M C Teichmann 8; (3) Adrian Jackson 7; (4-7) Jonathan C Benjamin, Susan L Caldwell, P. J. Dixon, David C Perrett 6½; (8-13) Jonathan J Ady, Nevil Chan, Miles L Cowling, Stephen J Popham, Ian D Thompson, John A Freeman 6; (14-17) David Robert Carless, Jeremy F S Menadue, M. R. Taylor, John B Henderson 5½; (18-19) Graham E Borrowdale, Clive R Bowley 5; (20) R. A. Coles 4½; (21) David Tuddenham 4; (22-23) J. P. Munday, John E Upham 3½; (24-25) J. F. Gregson, Tony N Nabarro 3; (26) Rod C Hessing 2½.

1980 British U-18 Championship — (11-Rd Swiss): 1 Peter K Wells 9; 2 Byron A Jacobs 8; 3 John J Cox 7½; 4-7 Stuart Conquest, Simon G Dighton, Laurence J Pinto, Jeff R Smith 7; 8-13 Stephen D Bell, G. B. Dawson, D. P. Frost, Joe G Gallagher, James C Howell, Stuart H Niman 6½; 14-18 Christopher J Archer-Lock, Trevor D Coote, M. Johnstone, Simon Triggs, Clare E Whitehead 6; 19-24 M. J. Hughes, A. J. McClelland, Dominic J C Mackle, Guy A Novik, N. C. T. Wall, A. Chapman 5½; 25-29 R. G. Britton, P. F. Hasson, John R Sharp, G. M. Smith, Peter Heaven 5; 30-34 Paul A Batchelor, K. A. Chapman, G. D. Davies, Ken B McEwan, Kevin A Yeomans 4½; 35-36 N. F. Capey, Marc A Shaw 4; 37-38 M. McLoughlin, A. N. Smith 3½; 39 Matthew J D Baker 3. Clare E Whitehead – British Girls U-18 Champion.

1980 British U-16 Championship — (11-Rd Swiss): 1 Andrew C L Dyson 9; 2 Neil H Bradbury 8½; 3 Michael Kerridge 8; 4 Karl Bowden 7½; 5-8 Keith A Dawson, M. P. Sharp, Ian A Welch, Tom E Wiley 7; 9-15 Bruce L Baer, David J Edmonds, Farrukh Khan, Stephen R Mannion, Simon J Roe, David J Walker, Gavin L Brown 6½; 16-19 Nigel Alldritt, D. B. Forson, Andrew P H Kinsman, William Giblin 6; 20-28 Craig R Dawson, Matthew Eke, Daniel R Feinstein, Nigel P J Greer, Nicholas J M Pelling, Ian A Robson, Matthew P Sames, Graham N Strouts, Gareth O Roberts 5½; 29-35 Karen A Cartmel, S. E. Coe, M. Forward, P. S. J. Jones, Lavinia A M Pereira, M. W. Robertson, Mark R Ruston 5; 36-40 K. A. Freeman, Mark E L Griffiths, Andrew G H Kluth, Conor P Kostick, D. P. McCarthy 4½; 41-42 T. M. Broome, J. A. Brown 4; 43-44 Carol Gorman, Caroline M Lane 3½; 45- 47 Mandi S Abraham, R. A. Parker, Terri C Ruff 3; 48 Miss J. A. Brooks 2½. Karen Cartmel and Lavinia Pereira are British Girls U-16 Co-Champions.

1980 British U-14 Championship — (11-Rd Swiss): 1 Edward S Lee 9; 2-4 John M Emms, Darren L Lee, Nicholas Thomas 8; 5-7 Neil L Carr, Graham A Waddingham, M. I. Watkins 7½; 8 A. J. Mitchell 7; 9-18 Neil E G Crickmore, Andrew R Exton, James D Hockaday, David A Knox, Michael Leahy, Simon R Lee, M. E. Vincent, Tim P Wall, David J Watts, Ian Haslegrave 6½; 19-23 John E Duggan, Iain A Galloway, Chris M Hawthorne, Andrew M Stone, M. E. Vernon 6; 24-31 Jeffrey P Baillie, D. L. Burton, David C Curtis, P. A. Garrett, Simon E Lazarus, Malcolm D Pridmore, Saul Richman, H-T. Tong 5½; 32-36 Niall P Carton, John W Franklin, Jaime M J Gorman, Mandy A S Hepworth, D. N. Whittaker 5; 37-41 P. W. Howlett, Miss T. Munday, Aaron Rose, Tina Louise Ruff, Jason B Kirk 4½; 42-45 Claire Elizabeth Batchelor, Salli E Clarke, Simon S K Hepworth, Richard J Lee 4; 46- 47 L. A. Howlett, Andrew J K Macmillan 3½; 48-50 K. R. Brotherton, S. T. Fox-Kirk, Miss M. Hill 3. Mandy Hepworth is British Girls U-14 Champion. Sarah C Christopher withdrew ill with 4/10. [n. b. many BCF/ECF yearbooks since the 1980s have recorded Susan Walker as joint winner of the 1980 British Girls Under-14 Championship with Mandy Hepworth but this is a mistake, probably as a result of faulty typography many years ago. Susan Walker did not compete in 1980 and Mandy Hepworth was sole winner of this category - JS]

1980 British U-11 Championship — (7-Rd Swiss); 1-5 Joe T Hockaday, Philip J Rossiter, Jeremy P Sharp, Mark A Wheeler, David A Wood 5½; 6 Darren P Wheeler 5; 7-9 Paul J Burton, John D Carlin, John J Fleetwood 4½; 10-18 D. J. Edwards, Michael T Hennigan, Kevin A Howe, Philip G Hughes, Jan Nigel Labrooy, Robert E Maullin, Eric J Onona, Sean R Pettit, Nicholas Ryding 4; 19-20 M. P. Revell, Nathan Ruff 3½; 21-29 A. G. Blackburn, Chris J Butt, Andrew J. Fleetwood, M. D. Fleetwood, Caroline L Hallett, Paul N. Hawthorne, G. M. Knox, Trevor Lee Ruff, C Paul Sanders 3; 30-31 Penelope (Pennie) Anne Clarke, M. T. Munday 2½; 32-35 A. J. Callan, (Flora M) Alexandra Maclean, A. B. Medlock, Miss J. Ruff 2; 36-37 Lisa M Berberich, D. C. Carton 1½; 38 Toby G T Maclean 1.

First Class Tournament — (11-Rd Swiss): 1 Suri J Rodericks 8½; 2 Chris K D Holland 8; 3 Geoffrey James Nicholas 7½; 4-6 G. M. Brown, Guy J Mason, R. Plater 7; 7-8 Bosko Gvero, N. M. Smith 6½; 9-11 M. Cooke, B. Marshall, Chris C Sherwood 6; 12-15 Robert J M Bavin, S. M. Chivers, Tony Gaffney, D. Smith 5½; 16-21 D. Blair, Thomas Hazdra, Rev. Peter R Kings, G. S. McCormick, V. J. Michel, Norbert Stoeckl 5; 22-27 Martin Baumgartner, J. M. Haigh, K. Hoadley, W. Mandl, Martin Stichlberger, R. T. F. Williams 4½; 28-29 H James Draisey, E. Oliver 4. Withdrawals: M. Driscoll 0/1, A. T. Macdonald 3/5, M. Vidler 1/2.

Second Class Tournament (11-Rd Swiss): 1 J. R. M. Moore 8; 2-5 Kenneth W Clow, John G Foulger, John D H Nicholas, E. Sauzedde 7½; 6-8 R. Amram, G. V. Glover, Paul C Stokes 7; 9 David A Law 6½; 10-15 Eric A Key, Ronald H Saunders, David Welch, A. P. White, David G Woodruff, V. Ramjit 6; 16-17 J. C. Dufraisse, Jack A Speigel 5½; 18-21 M. J. Hooper, W. Luehrig, A. Mack, D. G. Erharbor 5; 22-25 John R Beadle, N. A. Howe, R. A. Macbrayne, A. R. Whitehead 4½; 26-27 A. Nightingale, B. V. Stewart 4; 28 P. Griffiths 3½; 29-30 G Alec M Boswell, M. L. Patrick 3; 31 Antony J Sage 2½. Marcus P A Connolly withdrew with 1/6.

Third Class Tournament — (11-Rd Swiss): 1 G. V. Stewart 8; 2-4 Paul Dansey, Alec J Aslett, B. Ward 7½; 5 N. Lister 7; 6-7 A. W. Boggis, D. Truesdale 6½; 8-13 J. F. Dennis, R. J. Hale, M. J. Kelly, D. Macindoe, R. E. C. Mills, James D Pratt 6; 14-15 Alfred Milner, E. Rhodes 5½; 16-18 E. D. Hockaday, Victor Litvin, L. Wade 5; 19-20 A. Galloway, F. R. J. Martin 4; 21 John C Calvert 3½; 22-23 Gregory Owen J Melitus, Frank Richardson 3; 24 S. Wallace 2.

Over-60 — (American): 1-2 John B Hawson, Reginald Charles Noel-Johnson 8½; 3 Harry I Woolverton 8; 4 Charles A. S. Damant 7½; 5 Reginald W Stevenson 7; 6-7 J. Johnson, George W Rutland 5; 8 John R Cotterell 4½ ; 9 Francis P E Green 4; 10 J. Richmond 3½; 11 A. Laxton 3; 12 Harry Standring 1½.

Five-Day, Week 1 Morning — (5-Rd Swiss): 1-3 Mike J Conroy, J. A. Hunt, S. McKenzie 4; 4-6 T. Kahlert, Philip B Pinto, S. Festing 3½; 7-8 A. R. Henry, Lucien Mouillaux 3; 9-11 H. M. Brown, P. A. Brown, E. E. Wright 2½; 12-17 D. J. Fowler, D. G. Maclean, Matthew P R Veck, Robert J. Harnett, L. Hunt, S. Kitby 2; 18-20 J. Borrill, B. L. Pettit, Susan C Scott 1½; 21 G. May 1. C. C. Harding withdrew with 1½/3.

Five-Day, Week 1 Afternoon — (5-Rd Swiss): 1-2 Simon Macaulay, Timothy Upton 4½; 3 P. Barnard 4; 4-5 D. Hopson, Percival Ernest Monkhouse 3½; 6-12 J. E. Cope, R. W. Nicholls, A Philip Primett, J. Rakshit, K. Rakshit, David Sherman, I. L. Lamont 3; 13-16 R. W. Parsons, D. Smith, T. B. Towner, Jane F Seymour 2½; 17-24 Christine M Elder, D. J. Langridge, A. S. Owen, J Druce Powell, D. M. Cooper, R. M. Harris, Geoffrey W Naldrett, T. Brown 2; 25-27 Mira Rakshit, J. D. Robbins, H. E. Wadsworth 1. B. Isnarde-Bruno withdrew with 0/2.

Five-Day, Week 2 Morning, Section A — (5-Rd Swiss): 1 Dr. Leon P Burnett 4; 2-4 D. W. Clark, Mike J Conroy, Philip C Hoad 3½; 5-9 Martin H R Alster, Robert D M Alster, R. G. Clark, G. D. Evans, S. Lee 3; 10-12 Trevor G Dunmore, P. V. Malbon, R. A. Walker 2½; 13-16 Geoffrey H James, Lucien Mouillaux, C. L. Ridley, D. A. Tarbuck 2; 17-18 S. R. Prince, A. G. A. Willis 1. Dr. Eric N Bramley withdrew ill with 2/4.

Five-Day, Week 2 Morning, Section B — (5-Rd Swiss): 1-3 Frank Carlucci, R. G. Jones, Philip B Pinto 4; 4-7 Paul J Burton, K. A. J. Francis, J. S. Keaveney, M. R. Lee 3½; 8-9 A. Bennett, Michael T Bolan 3; 10-16 N. S. Bresler, R M Eames, D. Reynolds, A. Ruff, Laurence J Tarbuck, G. C. Wesson, J. Weston 2½; 17-22 E. Blankett, K. Buntschu, J. C. M. Herring, S. Mitchell, A. W. Watts, P. P. White 2; 23-25 J. T. Byrne, J. J. W. Herring, T. J. C. Herring 1; 26 J. M. Sommer ½.

Five-Day, Week 2 Afternoon — (5-Rd Swiss): 1 Andrew D Martin 4½; 2-3 Anthony K Swift, H Trevor Jones 4; 4 D. Hopson 3½; 5-8 A. D. Williams, David R Fewell, M. Brewer, W. Oaker 3; 9-12 A Philip Primett, R. S. Thornton, Percival Ernest Monkhouse, P. T. C. Lewin 2½; 13-15 Christine M Elder, R. M. Harris, D. G. Maclean 2; 16-19 Charles Hugh Graham Evill, J Druce Powell, C. Gueneau, A. H. Williams 1½; 20 A. A. Bleach 0.

File Updated

Date Notes
4 March 1998 First posted on BritBase.
28 March 2019 Upgraded to provide a game viewer, crosstable and full results of all tournaments.
30 August 2020 Added 12 games from subsidiary sections, contributed by Brian Denman. One from the U14 section (Mandy Hepworth 1-0 Andrew Macmillan) and all 11 games played by Canon (Arthur) Eric Smith in the Major Open. The latter is rather wonderful because I've only just uploaded some games played by Canon Smith from the 1927/28 Hastings tournament! Such longevity. . .
27 October 2020 Some name amendments following an extensive proof-read by Paul Georghiou. I have restored the six-game play-off match games between John Nunn and Bill Hartston, left off by mistake. Also a few small amendments to the games (adding the detail of losses on time).